
How do I add a YouTube playlist or Ustream to a page?

To place either a YouTube playlist or a Ustream onto a page, you will initially need to get the embed code from either service and follow the steps listed below to place them. 

  1. Click Edit Page
  2. Click the Edit Content icon (pencil) and select either Insert before or Insert after
  3. Choose HTML Source Widget.
  4. After pasting the snippet of code that you received from either Youtube or Ustream, locate and delete the Width and Height attributes of the iframe
  5. Now add class="embed-responsive-item" to the iframe
  6. Click the Container tab next to Settings and add either embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 or embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3 depending on the aspect ratio to the Custom Class Name field
  7. Click the green Create button and your HTML Source widget will show up on the page.
  8. Your HTML Source widget will show up on the page.
  9. Make sure to click the Publish just as you would when you're editing pages.

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