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Why doesn't my social media post show the information that is in module data that I shared but a link to it?

While SchoolNow does automatically fill out what we can of social metadata for modules. For example, in news articles, if there is a featured image, SchoolNow goes ahead and sets this as the primary image to be used when shared with social media.  If you are finding that your social media posts are not showing the information that can be seen in a preview of the data for a module but includes a link to it instead, check the Social Metadata of the data. The information that is entered there will be shown if that module data is shared. 

Please see the article What is Social Metadata? for more information.

If an image was added after the social services have crawled the data that was shared, depending on how much traffic the link is getting it could be hours, days, or even weeks for their caches to update. You can try using the Facebook debugger to see if there are any issues and possibly bump it higher in the queue to be re-cached.  

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